About Us

In 2020, a year that briefly silenced the world, everything stopped as if someone had hit pause. Stuck at home, I tried to make the most of my free time. Going through my old clothes, I wondered, "What can I do with this?" The pandemic protocols made it tough to just give them away.
Remembering how I used to mix and match outfits, thoughts of "The Blueprint," a YouTube show, came to mind. An interview with Bobby Hundreds had a lasting impact when he shared his former boss's words: "Do you want to be 40 years old and realize you spent your whole life doing something you don't really care about?" This question made him discover his passion, and it deeply resonated with me.
Fueled by my love for clothing, I decided to create my own. Starting with 100 pieces, I faced initial challenges and thought about taking a break, but my partner's encouragement convinced me to keep going. Together, we imagine our brand becoming a local influence, bringing our cultural identity to the world stage. We want to represent the underground culture in the Philippines, blending it smoothly with the mainstream. Our goal is to make merchandise that connects with people without succumbing to the pressures of hype.
In an era where originality is often ignored, and copying mainstream brands is common, we strive for creativity. Our mission is to be a breath of fresh air, embracing authenticity and originality in a market filled with imitations.